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M.Sc. Defense – José Roque

13/03/2019 22:59

José Roque Betiol Junior has earned his master´s degree in Computer Science from PPGCC/UFSC on 20/02/2019. His M.Sc. dissertation entitled “Validação Experimental do Protocolo RT-WiFi na Transmissão de Tráfego Tempo Real em Ambientes Abertos”  was advised by professor Luciana Rech and professor Ricardo Alexandre de Moraes. The jury was composed by the following professors: Patricia Della Mea Plentz, Carlos de Barros Montez e Alex Sandro Pinto.

Paper Presentation at SRDS 2018

29/10/2018 03:12

Ray Willy Neiheiser, presented the paper entitled  Policy-Based Adaptation of a Byzantine Fault Tolerant Distributed Graph Database at the 37th IEEE International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS) in Salvador, Brazil. This work was advised by Prof. Luís Rodrigues (INESC-ID/Universidade de Lisboa) and Prof. Luciana Rech (LAPESD/UFSC).

Student Receives a Diploma of Merit from UFSC

20/08/2018 10:46

Emmanuel Podestá Junior, a researcher advised by Prof. Márcio Castro, graduated with honors in Computer Science. He received a diploma of merit during the Computer Science Commencement Ceremony at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) on August 17h, 2018. This distinction is given to the student who had the highest grade point average.

Best Paper Award at ISCC 2018 – Natal/RN

25/07/2018 15:29

The paper entitled “Koordinator: A Service Approach for Replicating Docker Containers in Kubernetes“, co-authored by Hylson Vescovi Netto, Aldelir Fernando Luiz, Miguel Correia, Luciana Rech, and Caio Pereira Oliveira, received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2018), which took place in Natal/RN, Brazil from June 25th to 28th, 2018. This work was developed in partnership between researchers from LaPeSD and INESC-ID.

The awarded paper presents Koordinator, a new container replica coordination approach that provides availability and integrity with strong consistency in Kubernetes.

Participation at ISCC 2018 – Natal/RN

25/07/2018 15:07

LaPeSD, in partnership with the Institute Federal Catarinense/Brazil, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina/Brazil, INESC-ID & Instituto Superior Técnico/Portugal, University of Porto/Portugal, Santa Catarina State University/Brazil, Itaipu Technological Park/Italy, Federal University of Sergipe/Brazil, Federal University of Pampa/Brazil, University of the Planalto Catarinense/Brazil, RIKEN/Japan, and Kyushu University/Japan, has participated and presented four research works at IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2018) in Natal/RN. The following papers were presented during the event:

  • A Method to Verify Data Integrity in Graph Databases
    Fabio Miranda Reina, Hylson Vescovi Netto, Luciana Rech, Aldelir Fernando Luiz
  • Koordinator: A Service Approach for Replicating Docker Containers in Kubernetes
    Hylson Vescovi Netto, Aldelir Fernando Luiz, Miguel Correia, Luciana Rech, Caio Pereira Oliveira
  • Experimental Evaluation of the Coexistence of IEEE 802.11 EDCA and DCF Mechanisms
    José Betiol Júnior, Jim Lau, Luciana Rech, Francisco Vasques, Ricardo Moraes
  • REPO: A Microservices Elastic Management System for Cost Reduction in the Cloud
    Alex Magalhaes, Luciana Rech, Ricardo Moraes, Francisco Vasques
  • An e-Health Study Case Environment Enhanced by the Utilization of a Quality of Context Paradigm
    Débora Nazário, Mario Dantas, Douglas D. J. Macedo
  • KNOWLEDGE OBSERVATORIES AND THE PROMOTION OF INTELLIGENT TERRITORIES: The Case of the Network of Expertise and Innovation of the Tecnological Park of Itaipu
    Denilson Sell, Alessandra Batista, Jose Todesco, Carlos Roberto De Rolt, Biamca Costa Amorim, Mario Dantas, Maria Angelica Jung Marques
  • Evaluating the Tools to Analyze the Data from the ParticipACT Brazil Project: A Test with Elasticseach Tools Ecosystem with Twitter Data
    Eliza Gomes, Daniel Penz, Viviane Gomes, Carlos Roberto De Rolt, Mario Dantas
  • Towards a Hybrid Storage Architecture for IoT
    Braulio L. D. C. Junior, Douglas D. J. Macedo, Diego Kreutz, Edward David Moreno, Mario A. R. Dantas
  • IORE: A Flexible and Distributed I/O Performance Evaluation Tool for Hyperscale Storage Systems
    Eduardo C. Inacio, Mario A. R. Dantas
  • Proactive Autonomic Semantic Engine to User Experience-Aware Service Provision
    Madalena Pereira da Silva, Felipe Volpato, Mario Antonio Ribeiro Dantas
  • Characterizing I/O and Storage Activity on the K Computer for Post-Processing Purpose
    Eduardo C. Inacio, Jorji Nonaka, Kenji Ono, Mario A. R. Dantas, Fumiyoshi Shoji

Participation at ERAD/RS 2018

09/04/2018 18:02

LaPeSD and ECL undergraduate and graduate students have participated and presented their research works at Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (ERAD/RS) in Porto Alegre/RS. The following papers were presented during the event:

  • Em Direção a Soluções Distribuídas para Balanceamento de Carga Ciente de Comunicação
    Vinicius Marino Calvo Torres de Freitas, Laércio Lima Pilla, Márcio Castro
  • Otimização da Comunicação em Aplicações Estêncil Paralelas Implementadas com o PSkel no Processador MPPA-256
    Bruno Marques, Emmanuel Podestá Junior, Márcio Castro

M.Sc. Defense – Pedro Penna

08/01/2018 17:25

Pedro Henrique de Mello Morado Penna has earned his master’s degree in Computer Science from PPGCC/UFSC on 01/08/2017. His M.Sc. dissertation entitled “BinLPT: A Workload-aware Parallel Loop Scheduler for Large Scale Multicore Platforms” was advised by professors Márcio Castro and Patricia Plentz. The jury was composed by the following professors: Jean-François Méhaut (University of Grenoble Alpes), Rômulo Silva de Oliveira (PGEAS/UFSC), Luiz Cláudio Villar dos Santos (PPGCC/UFSC) and Laércio Lima Pilla (PPGCC/UFSC).

Participation at SBESC 2017

16/11/2017 10:58

LAPESD’s undergraduate students have participated and presented their research works at VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) in Curitiba/PR.

Overall, the following papers were presented during the event:

  • Uma Plataforma de Tempo Real para Priorização de Serviços IoT na Nuvem

          Alex Pinho Magalhães (UFSC), Luciana Rech (UFSC), Ricardo Moraes (UFSC), Luis Rodrigues (INESC-ID/IST)

  • Towards the Use of LITMUS-RT as a Testbed for Multiprocessor Scheduling in Energy Harvesting Real-Time Systems

          Lais Borin, Marcio Castro e Patricia Plentz (UFSC)

  • Using The Nanvix Instructional Opering Systems in Undergraduate Operating Courses

          Pedro Henrique Pena (UFSC), Henrique Cota Freitas, João Caram (PUC-MG), Marcio Castro (UFSC), Jean-François Méhaut (University of Grenoble Alpes)

Second Place at SBAC-PAD/WSCAD Marathon of Parallel Programming 2017

25/10/2017 20:34

The LaPeSD/UFSC team (Alyson Pereira, Emmanuel Podestá Jr. and Bruno Marques) is the 2nd-place Winner of the Marathon of Parallel Programming, which was held in conjunction with International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD) and Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD) in Campinas/SP.

Each team consists of three students members and a coach. They have about 5 hours to solve up to 9 problems. For Local Contest, the teams can also bring printed hard copy material (e.g. books, manuals, notes, papers). Judgment is strict. In the beginning of the contest, teams receive problem descriptions and sequential (serial) solutions. Resolution involves not only the correct problem solution but also performance speedup for parallel (or distributed) version, measured according to criteria defined by committee for current contest.

Second Best Paper Award at WSCAD 2017

25/10/2017 20:21

Pedro Penna has received a Second Best Paper Award at Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD) for the paper entitled BinLPT: A Novel Workload-Aware Loop Scheduler for Irregular Parallel Loops. In this paper, Pedro presents some of the results he obtained from his master thesis at PPGCC/UFSC. This work has been done in collaboration with other researchers from PUC-Minas and Université de Grenoble Alpes (France). Pedro was advised by Prof. Márcio Castro and Prof. Patricia Plentz.

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