Paper presentations at SBAC-PAD 2023 and WSCAD 2023
Vanderlei Munhoz, Nicolas Vanz and Pedro Moritz presented their works at the XIV Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD 2023). This year, WSCAD 2023 was held in conjunction with the 35th EEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2023), in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Vanderlei Munhoz also presented a paper at the Workshop on Cloud Computing (WCC 2023), one of the workshops of SBAC-PAD 2023. These students are advised by Prof. Márcio Castro.
You can find bellow the list of papers presented in these events:
- A Performance Comparison of HPC Workloads on Traditional and Cloud-based HPC Clusters
Vanderlei Munhoz (UFSC), Antoine Bonfils (Polytech Grenoble), Márcio Castro (UFSC), Odorico Mendizabal (UFSC) - Evaluating the Parallel Simulation of Dynamics of Electrons in Molecules on AWS Spot Instances
Vanderlei Pereira Filho (UFSC), Márcio Castro (UFSC), Luis Guilherme Carvalho Rego (UFSC) - Virtualização e Migração de Processos em um Sistema Operacional Distribuído para Lightweight Manycores
Nicolas Vanz (UFSC), João Souto (UFSC), Márcio Castro (UFSC) - Balanceamento de Carga Dinâmico em Ambientes Kubernetes com o Kubernetes Scheduling Extension (KSE)
Pedro Moritz de Carvalho Neto (UFSC), Márcio Castro (UFSC), Frank Siqueira (UFSC)