Paper presentations at SBAC-PAD 2023 and WSCAD 2023

30/11/2023 22:02

Vanderlei Munhoz, Nicolas Vanz and Pedro Moritz presented their works at the XIV Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD 2023). This year, WSCAD 2023 was held in conjunction with the  35th EEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2023), in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  Vanderlei Munhoz also presented a paper at the Workshop on Cloud Computing (WCC 2023), one of the workshops of SBAC-PAD 2023. These students are advised by Prof. Márcio Castro.

You can find bellow the list of papers presented in these events:

  • A Performance Comparison of HPC Workloads on Traditional and Cloud-based HPC Clusters
    Vanderlei Munhoz (UFSC), Antoine Bonfils (Polytech Grenoble), Márcio Castro (UFSC), Odorico Mendizabal (UFSC)
  • Evaluating the Parallel Simulation of Dynamics of Electrons in Molecules on AWS Spot Instances
    Vanderlei Pereira Filho (UFSC), Márcio Castro (UFSC), Luis Guilherme Carvalho Rego (UFSC)
  • Virtualização e Migração de Processos em um Sistema Operacional Distribuído para Lightweight Manycores
    Nicolas Vanz (UFSC), João Souto (UFSC), Márcio Castro (UFSC)
  • Balanceamento de Carga Dinâmico em Ambientes Kubernetes com o Kubernetes Scheduling Extension (KSE)
    Pedro Moritz de Carvalho Neto (UFSC), Márcio Castro (UFSC), Frank Siqueira (UFSC)

Paper presentations at ERAD/RS 2023

12/05/2023 18:05

Students from LaPeSD have presented their papers at the Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD/RS 2023). This year, ERAD/RS was held in Porto Alegre/RS.Papers presented at ERAD/RS 2023:

  • Análise do Sobrecusto de Utilização de Contêineres para Execução de Aplicações de HPC na Nuvem
    Lívia Ferrão , Vanderlei Pereira Filho e Márcio Castro
  • Proposta de um Cluster para Aplicações de HPC com o uso de Docker e Infiniband
    Weslley Silva, Guilherme Geronimo e Odorico Mendizabal
  • Análise de Viabilidade do Perfilamento de Aplicações de HPC Baseada em Contadores de Hardware na AWS
    Luiz Fernando Althoff, Márcio Castro e Vanderlei Pereira Filho
  • Análise de Desempenho de Hash Tables Não-Bloqueantes na Linguagem C++
    Douglas Luiz e Odorico Mendizabal
  • Enabling Dynamic Rescheduling in Kubernetes Environments with Kubernetes Scheduling Extension (KSE)
    Pedro Moritz de Carvalho Neto, Márcio Castro e Frank Siqueira

Congratulations to all students!

Paper Presentation at SBAC-PAD 2022 (Bordeaux, France)

21/11/2022 10:56

Vanderlei Munhoz presented his work entitled Strategies for Fault-Tolerant Tightly-coupled HPC Workloads Running on Low-Budget Spot Cloud Infrastructures at the EEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2022), which was held in Bordeaux, France. This work was coauthored by Prof. Márcio Castro and Prof. Odorico Mendizabal.

In this work, Vanderlei evaluated the viability of budget-constrained cloud environments for tightly-coupled MPI applications, exploring both spot and traditional low-budget infrastructures from real public cloud platforms. Two different fault tolerance strategies tailored for unreliable spot cloud environments have been proposed: system-level rollback restart with Berkeley Labs Checkpoint/Restart (BLCR) and in-memory rollback restart with User-Level Failure Mitigation (ULFM). A provider-agnostic empirical method for testing and predicting MPI workloads execution times and cloud infrastructure costs was also proposed. The results showed that: (i) adequate cluster sizing plays an important role in the overall job execution performance and cost-effectiveness, regardless of the type of selected instances; (ii) fault tolerance strategies based on BLCR may have worse performance than ULFM, but still be cost-effective considering software migration costs; (iii) the use of spot infrastructure does not guarantee costs savings depending on the chosen machine flavors and discounts, as experiments with persistent low-budget options attained better cost-effectiveness in some conditions.

LaPeSD Organized WSCAD 2022 in Florianópolis

03/11/2022 12:21

The “XXIII Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD 2022)”, which is the brazilian conference on High Performance Computing (HPC), was organized by Prof. Márcio Castro (UFSC) and Prof. Odorico Mendizabal (UFSC) and was held at the Majestic Palace Hotel in Florianópolis/SC. Students from LaPeSD and PET/UFSC have also participated as local staff. In this year, more than 140 people came to Florianópolis/SC to participate in the event.

Paper Presentation at WSCAD 2020

06/12/2020 09:38

João Fellipe Uller presented his work entitled Enhancing Programmability in NoC-Based Lightweight Manycore Processors with a Portable MPI Library at the Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD), which was held virtually this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This work was advised by Prof. Márcio Castro.

In this work, João proposed a portable and lightweight MPI library (LWMPI) designed from scratch to cope with restrictions and intricacies of lightweight manycores. This library was integrated into a distributed OS that targets these processors and evaluated it on the Kalray MPPA-256 processor. Results obtained with three applications from a representative benchmark suite unveiled that LWMPI achieves similar performance scalability in comparison with the low-level vendor-specific API narrowed for MPPA-256, while exposing a richer programming interface.

The paper presentation is available at Youtube.

Paper Presentations at ERAD/RS 2020

06/12/2020 09:29

João Vicente Souto and João Fellipe Uller presented their papers at the Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD/RS). This year, ERAD/RS was a virtual conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Their works were advised by Prof. Márcio Castro.

Papers presented at ERAD/RS 2020:

  • Mecanismos de Comunicação entre Clusters para Lightweight Manycores no Nanvix OS, authored by João Vicente Souto (UFSC), Pedro Henrique Penna (PUC Minas), Márcio Castro (UFSC) and Henrique Cota Freitas (PUC Minas). Click here to see his presentation at Youtube.
  • Proposta de Suporte ao Padrão MPI sobre Infraestrutura de Comunicação de Baixo Nível no Nanvix OS, authored by João Fellipe Uller (UFSC), João Vicente Souto (UFSC), Pedro Henrique Penna (PUC Minas) and Márcio Castro (UFSC). Click here to see his presentation at Youtube.

Paper Presentations at ERAD/RS 2019

12/04/2019 16:10

João Vicente Souto and David Ordine, presented their papers at the Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD/RS)  in Três de Maio, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Their works were advised by Prof. Márcio Castro.

Papers presented at ERAD/RS 2019:

  • Impacto de Abstrações IPC sobre o Processador MPPA-256, authored by João Vicente Souto (UFSC), Emmanuel Podestá Junior (UFSC), Pedro Henrique Penna (PUC Minas) and Márcio Castro (UFSC)
  • Otimização de Aplicações do CAP Bench para o Processador MPPA-256, authored by David Ordine (UFSC), Emmanuel Podestá Junior (UFSC), Pedro Henrique Penna (PUC Minas), Márcio Castro (UFSC)

Participation at ISCC 2018 – Natal/RN

25/07/2018 15:07

LaPeSD, in partnership with the Institute Federal Catarinense/Brazil, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina/Brazil, INESC-ID & Instituto Superior Técnico/Portugal, University of Porto/Portugal, Santa Catarina State University/Brazil, Itaipu Technological Park/Italy, Federal University of Sergipe/Brazil, Federal University of Pampa/Brazil, University of the Planalto Catarinense/Brazil, RIKEN/Japan, and Kyushu University/Japan, has participated and presented four research works at IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2018) in Natal/RN. The following papers were presented during the event:

  • A Method to Verify Data Integrity in Graph Databases
    Fabio Miranda Reina, Hylson Vescovi Netto, Luciana Rech, Aldelir Fernando Luiz
  • Koordinator: A Service Approach for Replicating Docker Containers in Kubernetes
    Hylson Vescovi Netto, Aldelir Fernando Luiz, Miguel Correia, Luciana Rech, Caio Pereira Oliveira
  • Experimental Evaluation of the Coexistence of IEEE 802.11 EDCA and DCF Mechanisms
    José Betiol Júnior, Jim Lau, Luciana Rech, Francisco Vasques, Ricardo Moraes
  • REPO: A Microservices Elastic Management System for Cost Reduction in the Cloud
    Alex Magalhaes, Luciana Rech, Ricardo Moraes, Francisco Vasques
  • An e-Health Study Case Environment Enhanced by the Utilization of a Quality of Context Paradigm
    Débora Nazário, Mario Dantas, Douglas D. J. Macedo
  • KNOWLEDGE OBSERVATORIES AND THE PROMOTION OF INTELLIGENT TERRITORIES: The Case of the Network of Expertise and Innovation of the Tecnological Park of Itaipu
    Denilson Sell, Alessandra Batista, Jose Todesco, Carlos Roberto De Rolt, Biamca Costa Amorim, Mario Dantas, Maria Angelica Jung Marques
  • Evaluating the Tools to Analyze the Data from the ParticipACT Brazil Project: A Test with Elasticseach Tools Ecosystem with Twitter Data
    Eliza Gomes, Daniel Penz, Viviane Gomes, Carlos Roberto De Rolt, Mario Dantas
  • Towards a Hybrid Storage Architecture for IoT
    Braulio L. D. C. Junior, Douglas D. J. Macedo, Diego Kreutz, Edward David Moreno, Mario A. R. Dantas
  • IORE: A Flexible and Distributed I/O Performance Evaluation Tool for Hyperscale Storage Systems
    Eduardo C. Inacio, Mario A. R. Dantas
  • Proactive Autonomic Semantic Engine to User Experience-Aware Service Provision
    Madalena Pereira da Silva, Felipe Volpato, Mario Antonio Ribeiro Dantas
  • Characterizing I/O and Storage Activity on the K Computer for Post-Processing Purpose
    Eduardo C. Inacio, Jorji Nonaka, Kenji Ono, Mario A. R. Dantas, Fumiyoshi Shoji

Participation at ERAD/RS 2018

09/04/2018 18:02

LaPeSD and ECL undergraduate and graduate students have participated and presented their research works at Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (ERAD/RS) in Porto Alegre/RS. The following papers were presented during the event:

  • Em Direção a Soluções Distribuídas para Balanceamento de Carga Ciente de Comunicação
    Vinicius Marino Calvo Torres de Freitas, Laércio Lima Pilla, Márcio Castro
  • Otimização da Comunicação em Aplicações Estêncil Paralelas Implementadas com o PSkel no Processador MPPA-256
    Bruno Marques, Emmanuel Podestá Junior, Márcio Castro

Participation at SBESC 2017

16/11/2017 10:58

LAPESD’s undergraduate students have participated and presented their research works at VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC) in Curitiba/PR.

Overall, the following papers were presented during the event:

  • Uma Plataforma de Tempo Real para Priorização de Serviços IoT na Nuvem

          Alex Pinho Magalhães (UFSC), Luciana Rech (UFSC), Ricardo Moraes (UFSC), Luis Rodrigues (INESC-ID/IST)

  • Towards the Use of LITMUS-RT as a Testbed for Multiprocessor Scheduling in Energy Harvesting Real-Time Systems

          Lais Borin, Marcio Castro e Patricia Plentz (UFSC)

  • Using The Nanvix Instructional Opering Systems in Undergraduate Operating Courses

          Pedro Henrique Pena (UFSC), Henrique Cota Freitas, João Caram (PUC-MG), Marcio Castro (UFSC), Jean-François Méhaut (University of Grenoble Alpes)

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