João Vicente Souto is the winner of the M.Sc. Dissertation Contest in Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (WSCAD-CTD 2022). In his work, entitled “A Task-based Execution Engine for Distributed Operating Systems Tailored to Lightweight Manycores with Limited On-Chip Memory“, João proposed a task-based execution engine that allows the implementation of Distributed Operating System services with low memory consumption and low latency. He was advised by Prof. Márcio Castro (UFSC).

The paper entitled “Virtualização e Migração de Processos em um Sistema Operacional Distribuído para Lightweight Manycores”, co-authored by Nicolas Vanz, João Souto and Márcio Castro (UFSC), received the Best Paper Award at the XXII Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho da Região Sul (ERAD/RS 2022), which took place in Curitiba/PR, Brazil from April 18th to 20th, 2022. Nicolas is an undergraduate student supervised by Prof. Márcio working on process migration in a Operating System that targets lightweight manycore processors.

Students from LaPeSD participated in the Marathon of Parallel Programming, which was held in conjunction with International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD) and Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD) (online events). The teams were composed of the following students:
- LaPeSD/UFSC: Emmanuel Podestá Jr., João Vicente Souto and Luiz Gustavo Xavier
- LaPeSD Equipe 2: Sérgio Pfleger, Vanderlei Munhoz and José Luiz de Sousa
Both teams were coached by Prof. Márcio Castro and they had about 28 hours to paralelize and optimize up to 5 problems (higher the performance improvements, the higher the score achieved by the teams). The final score board is shown below.

This year, we are very proud to announce that “LaPeSD/UFSC” and “LaPeSD Equipe 2” teams were ranked first (score 184.470338) and fourth (score 67.346131) places in the competition, respectively! Congratulations guys!
Vinicius Freitas received the Best MSc Student Award of 2020 from the Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGCC) of UFSC. In his work, entitled “Diffusive Load Balancing for High Performance Computing Applications: Workload Discretization and Graph Processing“, Vinicius proposed distributed load balancers for highly parallel platforms. He was advised by Prof. Márcio Castro (UFSC) and coadvised by Prof. Laércio Pilla (CNRS – France).

You can check out his MSc defense on Youtube.
Emmanuel Podestá Junior, a researcher advised by Prof. Márcio Castro, graduated with honors in Computer Science. He received a diploma of merit during the Computer Science Commencement Ceremony at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) on August 17h, 2018. This distinction is given to the student who had the highest grade point average.

The paper entitled “Koordinator: A Service Approach for Replicating Docker Containers in Kubernetes“, co-authored by Hylson Vescovi Netto, Aldelir Fernando Luiz, Miguel Correia, Luciana Rech, and Caio Pereira Oliveira, received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2018), which took place in Natal/RN, Brazil from June 25th to 28th, 2018. This work was developed in partnership between researchers from LaPeSD and INESC-ID.
The awarded paper presents Koordinator, a new container replica coordination approach that provides availability and integrity with strong consistency in Kubernetes.

The paper entitled “Automatic Semantic Enrichment of Data Services”, co-authored by Bruno Oliveira, Alexis Huf, Ivan Salvadori and prof. Frank Siqueira, from LaPeSD, received the Best Paper Award at the 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS 2017), which took place in Salzburg, Austria from December 4th to 6th, 2017.
The awarded paper describes a software developed at LaPeSD, called OntoGenesis, which allows the semantic enrichment of data provided by services available on the Web, aiming to facilitate their integration with other data sources.
The LaPeSD/UFSC team (Alyson Pereira, Emmanuel Podestá Jr. and Bruno Marques) is the 2nd-place Winner of the Marathon of Parallel Programming, which was held in conjunction with International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD) and Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD) in Campinas/SP.

Each team consists of three students members and a coach. They have about 5 hours to solve up to 9 problems. For Local Contest, the teams can also bring printed hard copy material (e.g. books, manuals, notes, papers). Judgment is strict. In the beginning of the contest, teams receive problem descriptions and sequential (serial) solutions. Resolution involves not only the correct problem solution but also performance speedup for parallel (or distributed) version, measured according to criteria defined by committee for current contest.
Pedro Penna has received a Second Best Paper Award at Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD) for the paper entitled BinLPT: A Novel Workload-Aware Loop Scheduler for Irregular Parallel Loops. In this paper, Pedro presents some of the results he obtained from his master thesis at PPGCC/UFSC. This work has been done in collaboration with other researchers from PUC-Minas and Université de Grenoble Alpes (France). Pedro was advised by Prof. Márcio Castro and Prof. Patricia Plentz.