LaPeSD Teams Ranked First and Fourth Places at Marathon of Parallel Programming 2021
Students from LaPeSD participated in the Marathon of Parallel Programming, which was held in conjunction with International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD) and Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD) (online events). The teams were composed of the following students:
- LaPeSD/UFSC: Emmanuel Podestá Jr., João Vicente Souto and Luiz Gustavo Xavier
- LaPeSD Equipe 2: Sérgio Pfleger, Vanderlei Munhoz and José Luiz de Sousa
Both teams were coached by Prof. Márcio Castro and they had about 28 hours to paralelize and optimize up to 5 problems (higher the performance improvements, the higher the score achieved by the teams). The final score board is shown below.
This year, we are very proud to announce that “LaPeSD/UFSC” and “LaPeSD Equipe 2” teams were ranked first (score 184.470338) and fourth (score 67.346131) places in the competition, respectively! Congratulations guys!