LaPeSD Teams Ranked First and Fourth Places at Marathon of Parallel Programming 2021

28/10/2021 21:58

Students from LaPeSD participated in the Marathon of Parallel Programming, which was held in conjunction with International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD) and Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD) (online events). The teams were composed of the following students:

  • LaPeSD/UFSC: Emmanuel Podestá Jr., João Vicente Souto and Luiz Gustavo Xavier
  • LaPeSD Equipe 2: Sérgio Pfleger, Vanderlei Munhoz and José Luiz de Sousa

Both teams were coached by Prof. Márcio Castro and they had about 28 hours to paralelize and optimize up to 5 problems (higher the performance improvements, the higher the score achieved by the teams). The final score board is shown below.

This year, we are very proud to announce that “LaPeSD/UFSC” and “LaPeSD Equipe 2” teams were ranked first (score 184.470338) and fourth (score 67.346131) places in the competition, respectively! Congratulations guys!