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Best Paper Award at ISCC 2018 – Natal/RN

25/07/2018 15:29

The paper entitled “Koordinator: A Service Approach for Replicating Docker Containers in Kubernetes“, co-authored by Hylson Vescovi Netto, Aldelir Fernando Luiz, Miguel Correia, Luciana Rech, and Caio Pereira Oliveira, received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2018), which took place in Natal/RN, Brazil from June 25th to 28th, 2018. This work was developed in partnership between researchers from LaPeSD and INESC-ID.

The awarded paper presents Koordinator, a new container replica coordination approach that provides availability and integrity with strong consistency in Kubernetes.

Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.